Clyde Power Sprints 2024

The sun came out and regatta season kicked off in style with Clyde Power Sprints on 20th April. Glasgow Rowing Club had a strong presence on the course with entries in multiple events.

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First on the water were Cameon and Dan in ONov 2x. They put in a good effort but lost out to the more experienced crew from Castle Semple.

We then had our first guaranteed medal in ONov 1x where it was GRC vs GRC. Ruairi came away with the win this time against Rylan. Will we see a rematch later in the season..?

It was two for two for Ruairi in the next GRC vs GRC event: OR2 2x. Not a bad effort from Coastal Joe in his first ever regatta racing with Don against Ruairi and Josh. You’ll get them next year!

Next up to defend their second place title from last year were Katie and Don in the Open Mixed 2x. They fought off some tough competition from the SUBC crews – some of the closest races of the day. After 4 back to back races they ended again in second place.

The Max 2x of Pete Mowforth and Jonathan also faced some intense back-to-back racing in the round robin format. Sadly no medals here either.

Our next win came from Sophia in WR2 1x. Fantastic kick off to her racing season considering she was racing up a category!

Last on the water were the ONov 4x+ of Cameron, Dan, Coastal Joe and two-medal-Ruairi coxed by Katie. These guys were racing up 2 categories to face the O4x+ of SUBC. It was a valiant effort but no win for the guys this time.

As always, our neighbours at Clyde Rowing Club put on a great event and all those who raced had a lot of fun on the water. We just wish they would share their contact for Clyde weather control with us 😛

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